Keepsake lessons of life

moments of truth –
weathered shells
bestrewn on the
sandy beach of life,
scattered one at a time
as life inched by.

moments of truth –
inaction masked as serenity
apathy disguised as patience
stand aloof and distant
spurn the yearning heart

outstretched hands
without offering succour.

moments of truth –
bend, pick, turn over
pick, check, mull over
bend and gather
pick and drop
one shell at a time
into mind’s mason jar.

moments of truth –
descend gently and
settle with a thud,
sunken treasure chests
hit the ocean floor and
stay entrenched forever.

moments of truth –
from time to time
hold each shell in the palm,
browse and riffle through
to glean and gain
insight, acuity and nous.

moments of truth –
precious keepsake lessons
life's beacons of wisdom
map the path of action
the trajectory of life
in the days to come by.
